Have you checked your spiritual credit report lately? What is your rating? Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent? Understand, that a world that judges a mans worth by the way he handles his debt answers to a God that forgives our debt with the same compassion we offer our spiritual debtors.
Along with a good credit report a consumer is bestowed with empowerment. The consumer is trusted above all others and granted special privileges, as he has proven his willingness and responsibility in fulfilling his financial promises. He is known to stand by his word. His signature is valuable. It means something. It means "I promise with who I am to fulfill this obligation". The debtor has no fear of being left empty handed looking at an unrecoverable loss. His investment will not be lost in this consumer. More will be repaid then was extended with interest included!
As a result the good consumer is allotted a more luxurious lifestyle. He is given everything he could possibly dream of to bring him comfort and happiness. This is all given by the promise that he will in turn pay for all on a timely basis. This is the agreement to which he shows no opposition. It is the expected procedure in the consumer world.
When we fulfill our spiritual debts God grants us privilege. He offers us grace beyond measure. We are given the gift of inner peace. He has total faith that we will stand by our word. That we will fulfill our promises to Him and His through the decisions we make in our hearts. Through the actions we take day by day as we interact with our fellow men leaving our signature in the hearts of our friends, neighbors, coworkers and yes, even strangers. Ensuring that we will fulfill our promise to above all else, love one another.
God created each of us. No exceptions. He is the loving overseer. No one else. No one is perfect yet we observe those who cannot perceive that "all fall short of the glory of God". Not just whom "they" decide fall short.
Looking back over our lives, we can each point to specific instances where a decision was made, a harsh word escaped our mouths, or a lie took its toll damaging everyone involved. If we think these actions go unnoticed we are attempting to fool ourselves. We are accountable for the thoughts we entertain and the fools we often become as a result of thinking them.
How do we repay these spiritual debts? By offering compassionate forgiveness to others. Only then as we step outside of our own selfish delusion, will we embrace the truth of the oneness God intended for us to feel, communicate, and live as His creation. Strive for divine credit worthiness by making your spiritual signature worth something. If youre not sure where to start, ask God to borrow His pen.